Assessing Responses to Exercise in the Heat in Trained Women

Official Title

Assessing Responses to Exercise in the Heat in Trained Women


The purpose of this research study is to conduct exercise in hot and neutral environments on women who are aerobically trained and resistance trained to characterize and compare responses across physiologic, perceptual, and neurocognitive domains. Our rationale for this investigation is that its completion would provide evidence as to how women of different fitness backgrounds respond to exercise in the heat and how that response is different from exercising in thermoneutral conditions to better describe how the female body tolerates exercise in the heat with implications for those in recreation, competitive sports, and occupation that expands to emergency and military services.

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Aerobically Trained: having a measured aerobic capacity in the 80th percentile according to age

Resistance Trained: able to squat 120% and bench press 60% of their body weight.

Unacclimatized: participants had not been consistently exposed to hot conditions (i.e., sauna, hot yoga, etc.) in the past 2 months.

Age Range

18 - 35