• A Study for Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

    Official Title

    Examining the safety and clinical efficacy of psilocybin therapy for Veterans with PTSD: An open label proof-of-concept trial


    The study will demonstrate the safety and efficacy of psilocybin in treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in veterans. Psilocybin-assisted therapy has shown great promise in treating anxiety symptoms that comprise post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  Current therapeutic treatments for PTSD are difficult to tolerate and limited in efficacy, especially in the US military veteran population. This study will examine the safety and efficacy of two psilocybin sessions, combined with psychotherapy, among military veterans with severe, treatment resistant PTSD.

    Could this study be right for you?

    Inclusion criteria:

    • Be a United States military veteran 

    • 21 to 64 years old  

    • Have at least a high-school level of education or equivalent (e.g. GED)

    • Current diagnosis of PTSD

    • Be medically stable as determined by screening for medical problems via a personal interview, a medical questionnaire, a physical examination, an electrocardiogram (ECG), and routine medical blood and urinalysis laboratory tests  

    Exclusion criteria:  

    • Women who are pregnant

    • Cardiovascular conditions: coronary artery disease, stroke, angina, uncontrolled hypertension, a clinically significant ECG abnormality (e.g., atrial fibrilation), artificial heart valve, or TIA in the past year  

    • High blood pressure

    • History of seizures or epilepsy

    Exclusion Criteria varies, please contact Study Coordinator.


    Age Range

    21 - 64 years
  • Eye Gaze Study

    Official Title

    Disrupted eye gaze perception as a biobehavioral marker of social dysfunction: An RDoC investigation


    This study seeks to understand social functioning across mental health conditions. Social dysfunction is very common in people with mental health conditions; it can negatively impact employment, independent living, and maintaining meaningful relationships. This research is being done to learn if a person's ability to process visual information (including distinguishing other people's eye gaze direction) is a clue to social functioning regardless of diagnosis. This research will identify clinical and brain characteristics in relation to social functioning.

    Could this study be right for you?


    • Diagnosis of a schizophrenia-spectrum disorder or autism spectrum disorder
    • Receiving treatment in a mental health or primary care setting
    • Experience difficulty in social functioning

    Health Volunteers: 

    • No history of past or current mental health disorder diagnosis
    • Experience no difficulty in social functioning

    Age Range

    14 - 30 years
  • SOAR (State of Ohio Adversity and Resilience) Brain Health Study

    Official Title

    State of Ohio Adversity and Resilience Study (SOAR)- Deep Phenotyping


    The purpose of this study is to develop effective mental health and preventing suicide and substance use disorder, we must better understand risks, which lead to mental illness, and resilience, which allows us to grow even in presence of adversity. This study is looking at how people live and how they deal with distress, depression or drugs and alcohol in Ohio. Family members living in Ohio are asked to participate.

    Could this study be right for you?


    Inclusion criteria:

    • Adults, age 18-72, and adolescents, age 12-17.

    Exclusion criteria:

    • Inability to functionally communicate in English.
    • Unwilling/unable to sign informed consent or assent document or obtain parental authorization from a parent or legal guardian (subjects <18 years old).
    • Inability to understand/follow instructions for study procedures.
    • Participants without at least 1 other family member who is willing to participate
      • The definition of family member is subjective to the participant and may not be a blood relative.

    Age Range

    12 - 72 years
  • Ohio Mood Disorder Registry and Repository

    Official Title

    Ohio Mood Disorder Registry and Repository


    Mood disorders like Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder can be chronic, recurrent illnesses. Our treatments to date can help many people but are often trial and error, and continuity and access to care form major barriers. Our purpose is to create a research registry and repository of individuals with mood disorders who are willing to provide clinical data yearly, and who are willing to be contacted to participate in current and future studies of mood disorders.

    Could this study be right for you?

    Inclusion Criteria

    • 8-70 years of age.
    • Fluency or advanced conversational English abilities, by self-report.
    • Eligible individuals will have a history of two or more mood disorder episodes (depression events of at least 2 weeks meeting 5 of the criteria for major depressive disorder).

    Exclusion Criteria

    • Head injury with loss of consciousness of five minutes or greater.
    • Hospitalization for drug-related concerns.
    • Evidence of intellectual disability.
    • Diagnosis of a developmental condition like autism spectrum disorder.
    • Evidence of psychosis outside of a mood episode (e.g., schizophrenia).
    • Hospitalization or infusion for eating condition.

    Age Range

    8 - 70 years
  • A Study for those with Treatment Resistant Epilepsy & Anxiety

    Official Title

    An open-label clinical trial evaluating the ExAblate Model 4000 Type-1 focused ultrasound unilateral thalamotomy for patients with treatment-refractory focal onset epilepsy and comorbid anxiety


    The purpose of the study is to learn more about whether an ultrasound treatment for epilepsy and anxiety is safe and effective.

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Age: 18-65 years old
    • Treatment resistant Epilepsy (focal or partial-onset seizures)
    • ≥ 3 seizures/month
    • Moderate-to-severe Anxiety



    Age Range

    18 - 65 years
  • A Study Evaluating How Dietary Fat Affects Cognition

    Official Title

    Essential Fats For Enhancing Cognitive Thinking (EFFECT) Study: Dietary Fat Quality and Cognitive Impairment


    The purpose of the EFFECT Study is to determine how dietary fats influence cognitive (mental) function in adults.


    During the 7-week study participants will

    • Consume one study food per day for a total of 3 weeks
    • Have their blood drawn
    • Have their body weight and shape measured
    • Complete cognitive tests
    • Fill out questionnaires
    • Complete diet and physical activity recalls

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Feel your memory or concentration is not as good as you'd like it to be
    • Are overweight
    • Do NOT have diabetes
    • Do NOT have dementia or Alzheimer's
    • Do NOT have food allergies 
    • Are NOT pregnant or nursing an infant

    Age Range

    40 - 75 years
  • A Study Investigating a Medicine to Improve Social Communication in Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

    Official Title

    MapLight Study (IRIS Clinical Trial)


    The purpose of this study is to investigate a medication intended to improve social communication in adolescents and adults with ASD.

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Have an autism diagnosis or suspect you have an autism diagnosis
    • Have a caregiver or study partner willing to enroll in the study with you

    Age Range

    18 - 45 years
  • A Feasibility Study to Assess the Effect of a Ketogenic Diet as a Co-Therapy for Major Depressive Disorder

    Official Title

    Ketogenic Intervention in Depression (KIND)


    The overarching goal of this pilot study is to: (1) demonstrate that a well-formulated KD can be implemented in treatment program for major depression, and (2) test whether such a program results in reductions of symptoms of depression. 

    Could this study be right for you?

    Inclusion Criteria:

    • OSU students (age 18-30 years at the time of enrollment) with confirmed major depressive disorder as determined by SCID-5 diagnosis at baseline testing.
    • Currently engaged in counseling and or mediation treatment for depression
    • Available for a 12-week period and indicate willingness and ability to eat KD foods as prescribed

    Exclusion Criteria:

    • Disordered eating, as evidenced by meeting criteria for Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Other Specified Eating Disorder, Unspecified Eating Disorder, or Avoidant Restrictive Eating Disorder during the SCID-5 interview at baseline testing.
    • Substantial imminent risk of suicide as assessed during the SCID-5 interview.
    • Body mass index (BMI) < 20 kg/m2
    • Habitual consumption of a structured low-carbohydrate diet in the last 6-months

    Exclusion Criteria varies, please contact Study Coordinator.


    Age Range

    18 - 30 years
  • Neurodevelopmental Effects of Youth Tackle Football

    Official Title

    Understanding the Neurodevelopmental Effects of Youth Tackle Football Participation


    In this study we are aiming to identify risk factors for higher exposure to football-related neurotrauma in youth tackle football players and to determine the effects of football-related neurotrauma exposure on neurodevelopment in children with no previous tackle football participation.

    For this specific posting, we are looking for boys ages 8-12 who are non-athletes or athletes who play non-contact sports to serve as control subjects for our fMRI study. 

    Could this study be right for you?

    We are looking for boys ages 8-12 who are either non-athletes or do not participate in any contact sports

    • Boys must have no metal implanted in the body
    • Have no prior history of head trauma
    • Have no serious health or mental health diagnoses
    • Must not have a fear of enclosed spaces

    Age Range

    8 - 12 years
  • Exploring the Development of the Infant and Fetal Brain

    Official Title

    Exploring the Connectivity and Functional Organization of the Infant Brain


    The purpose of the study is to investigate how the brain that we are each born with leads to our own unique behavior later in life, and the similarities and differences between maternal and child brains. We are studying infants prenatally and postnatally, following up with them as they grow and develop, and studying their mothers to understand how similar/different they are to their child.

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Infants under 3 years of age, and pregnant persons who are at least 20 weeks pregnant
    • All participants must have no metal implanted in the body
    • Have no significant health conditions or history of serious mental illness
    • Not suffer froma (fear of enclosed spaces)
    • Pregnancies must be without complication.

    Age Range

    Up to 40 years