• Diet Quality of Low-Income Children 6-24 months old

    Official Title An Examination of the Diet Quality of Low-Income Children 6-24 months old


    The purpose of the research is to determine the dietary patterns and calculate the dietary quality of children 6 to 24 months of age and enrolled in childcare centers, WIC, and other places that serve parents of young children; and to identify the most important cultural, social, and economic factors influencing the dietary and feeding patterns of these children. The total amount of time you will be asked to volunteer for this study is 2 hours and 10 minutes.

    Could this study be right for you?

    - Parent or caregiver of a child 6 to 24 months old - Receiving WIC, SNAP, or similar benefits - Live in Franklin County, Ohio

    Age Range

    18 and up
  • Metabolism Research Study--Healthy Volunteers Needed

    Official Title Adipocyte-T Cell Interactions Modulate Adipose Inflammation and Insulin Sensitivity Following Weight Gain


    The purpose of this research study is to better understand the role of fat tissue, how cells in fat tissue communicate, and determine what signals specific cells use to cause inflammation and insulin resistance during weight gain. This may help researchers better understand the process that happens in Type 2 Diabetes.

    As a result, through the course of six--nine weeks, participants will be asked to gain at least 10% of their starting body weight. A dietitian will meet with participants to give advice to help with meeting the study weight gain goals, as well as provide additional meal vouchers and supplemental shakes as needed. Following the study, participants will receive guidance how to lose the weight they've gained if they would like to do that.

    Could this study be right for you?

    You may be eligible if you:
    - Are 18-60 years of age
    - Are lean; Have a BMI 18-24.9 kg/m2 (*see link below for calculating your BMI --Body Mass Index)
    - Have healthy levels of cholesterol and triglycerides (These will be tested at screening)
    - Are a non-smoker
    - Are non-diabetic
    - Are free of chronic illness
    - Are not pregnant or breastfeeding

    *If you want to calculate your BMI https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/assessing/bmi/adult_bmi/english_bmi_c…

    Exclusion Criteria:
    - Fasting triglycerides > 150 mg/dL or nonfasting triglycerides ˃ 250 mg/dl
    - LDL-Cholesterol level > 150 mg/dL,
    - Presence of significant anemia (hemoglobin <10.0 gm/dL),
    - Currently or planning to take blood thinners ,
    - Current smokers
    - Have taken steroids or anti-inflammatory meds for >6 months in the last 6 months
    - >10% body weight loss within 3 months of enrollment
    *Other exclusions may apply

    Age Range

    18 and up
  • A Study for Those with Chronic Pancreatitis - The PROCEED Study

    Official Title Prospective Evaluation of Chronic Pancreatitis for Epidemiologic and Translational Studies PROCEED Study)


    This study is done for researchers to understand pancreatitis and learn how the disease progresses naturally over time.

    From the results of this study, researchers hope to develop some lab tests to support early diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis and to also discover any genetic factors that may affect your chances of developing chronic pancreatitis. The results of this study may also provide information that will open opportunities for new drug discovery.

    Could this study be right for you?

    • You have a history of acute or chronic pancreatitis OR
    • You have experienced pain in your abdomen that a doctor has suggested could be due to pancreatitis
    • You are between the ages of 18 and 75

    Age Range

    18 and up
  • A Study for Those with Chronic Pancreatitis



    The purpose of this study is to learn if a study drug called NI-03 (also known as Camostat) can help people with chronic pancreatitis. We want to find out what effects, good or bad, the study drug has on the disease. It has been approved in Japan and has been available by prescription for the treatment of the acute pain associated with chronic pancreatitis. The study drug will not be approved for sale in the United States until tests from studies like this one show that it is safe and effective.

    Could this study be right for you?

    -You are between the ages of 18-80
    -You have a diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis
    -For males: documented surgical sterilization, sexual abstinence, or agreed upon means of contraception from screening until 28 days after final dose of study medication is required
    -For females: documented surgical sterilization, sexual abstinence, postmenopausal status for at least 1 year, or agreed upon means of contraception from screening until 28 days after final dose of study medication is required

    Age Range

    18 and up
  • The REGENERATE Study - A study to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of a medication (Obeticholic Acid) for those with NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis)

    Official Title A Phase 3, Double-Blind, Randomized, Long-Term, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Obeticholic Acid in Subjects with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis


    This research study is for those who have nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (meaning your liver is swollen and damaged because of a buildup of fat in your liver) and some liver fibrosis (which is damaged and scarred liver tissue). Because of your condition, you may be eligible for a research study on an investigational drug for your condition. The Regenerate Study will assess the safety and effectiveness of the investigational medication obeticholic acid (OCA) compared to placebo in delaying specific medical conditions or health related issues that can occur in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (meaning your liver is swollen and damaged because of a buildup of fat in your liver) and some liver fibrosis (which is damaged and scarred liver tissue).

    Could this study be right for you?

    - Age 18 or older
    - Diagnosed with Stage 2 or 3 NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis--meaning your liver is swollen and damaged because of a buildup of fat in your liver) and some liver fibrosis (which is damaged and scarred liver tissue).

    If you are eligible and decide to take part in this research study, you will need to complete 1 or 2 screening visits to see if you are eligible to participate in the study. Once the study doctor determines you can participate in the study, you will be asked to come back to the clinic 8 times (for the Month 0 [Day 1] Visit, the Month 1 Visit, the Month 3 Visit, and then every 3 months) for the first 18 months you are in the study and then 2 times per year (every 6 months) for each additional year you are in the study.

    Age Range

    18 and up