Research studies are looking for volunteers just like you. Both healthy volunteers and participants with specific health conditions are needed to help answer important questions impacting the health of our friends and family. Join us to improve the health of others.

Study Categories

* indicates required field
  • Decision-Making Abilities and Testamentary Capacity Among Older Adults

    Official Title Decision-Making Abilities and Testamentary Capacity Among Older Adults


    The overall goal of this research is to examine factors such as social resources, personality characteristics, and neurocognitive functioning in relation to decision-making abilities testamentary capacity among healthy older adults.

    Another purpose of this research study is to evaluate the impact of Problem-Solving Treatment-Primary Care (PST-PC), a cognitive-behavioral therapeutic approach, on decision making among healthy older adults. PST-PC involves a seven-step model, in which participants identify problems to be solved, discuss and evaluate different resolutions to reach desired goals; create action plans to accomplish determined goals; and evaluate their effectiveness in resolving designated problems.

    We will compare the effectiveness of PST-PC on individuals who will not receive any intervention.

    A no treatment control group of older adult participants will also be recruited to compare the effectiveness of PST-PC to individuals who do not receive the intervention. This no treatment control group will composed of participants who do not receive the PST-PC sessions.

    Could this study be right for you?

    Inclusion Criteria:
    -adults aged 65 and older
    - Must be independently-living and community-dwelling
    - Participants must be willing to undergo a health interview to rule out outstanding medical and psychiatric conditions
    - Adequate sensory abilities

    Exclusion Criteria:

    - A history of psychiatric illness necessitating inpatient treatment
    - Participants with self-reported depression and/or anxiety exceeding mild levels of clinical severity

    Age Range

    65 and up
  • Diet Quality in Children 3-5 Years Old from Low Income Households

    Official Title An Examination of the Diet Quality of Children Low Income Children from 3-5 Years of Age


    To determine dietary patterns and calculate dietary quality of young children enrolled in child care centers, WIC, and other places that serve parents and young children; and to identify the most significant cultural, social, and economic factors influencing the dietary and eating patterns of these children.

    The total amount of time you will be asked to volunteer for this study is 2 hours and 10 minutes.

    Could this study be right for you?

    - Parents and/or caregivers must be at least 18 years of age
    - Each household must qualify as low income status
    - Each parent/caregiver must be fluent in English
    - Each child must not have a medical condition requiring diet modifications
    - Each child must be 3-5 years old

    Age Range

    3 and up
  • Diet Quality in Children Birth to 6 Months Old from Low Income Households

    Official Title An Examination of the Diet Quality of Low-Income Children from Birth to 6 Months Old.


    The purpose of the research is to determine the dietary patterns and calculate the dietary quality of infants and enrolled in childcare centers, WIC, and other places that serve parents of young children; and to identify the most significant cultural, social, and economic factors influencing the dietary and feeding patterns of these children.

    The total amount of time you will be asked to volunteer for this study is 2 hours and 10 minutes.

    Could this study be right for you?

    - Parents or caregivers must be at least 18 years of age
    - Each parent/caregiver must be fluent in English
    - Each household must qualify as low income status based on the number of people in the household
    - Children must be within 0-6 months of age
    - Children must not have any medical condition requiring a modified diet

  • Diet Quality of Low-Income Children 6-24 months old

    Official Title An Examination of the Diet Quality of Low-Income Children 6-24 months old


    The purpose of the research is to determine the dietary patterns and calculate the dietary quality of children 6 to 24 months of age and enrolled in childcare centers, WIC, and other places that serve parents of young children; and to identify the most important cultural, social, and economic factors influencing the dietary and feeding patterns of these children. The total amount of time you will be asked to volunteer for this study is 2 hours and 10 minutes.

    Could this study be right for you?

    - Parent or caregiver of a child 6 to 24 months old - Receiving WIC, SNAP, or similar benefits - Live in Franklin County, Ohio

    Age Range

    18 and up
  • Evaluating a Cell-Based Therapy in New Living Donor Kidney Transplant Recipients and Donors

    Official Title FREEDOM 1, A randomized, controlled, multi-center, safety and efficacy study of FCR001 cell-based therapy relative to a tacrolimus and mycophenolate-based regimen in de novo living donor renal transplant recipients, and safety in FCR001 donors


    The purpose of this study is to learn more about whether FCR001, an investigational cell therapy, can prevent the rejection of living donor kidney transplants without the need for lifelong anti-rejection drugs.

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Recipient age ≥ 18 years
    • Donor age ≥ 18 and ≤ 60 years
    • Recipient of a first kidney transplant from a living donor
    • Not diagnosed with or treated for any type of cancer (donor or recipient)

    Age Range

    18 and up
  • Evaluating a Mobile Health App for Cardio-Oncology Patients

    Official Title Mobile Health App as a Cardiotoxicity Symptom Logging Tool: Feasibility Pilot Study


    To evaluate the cardio-oncology patient population’s experience with using smart-phone technology as a part of self-management with their care through features such as symptom logging and education. Eligible patients will be asked to participate in a 30-minute virtual interview and/or a 60-minute virtual design or usability session to discuss their thoughts on a mobile app for cardio-oncology patients.

    Could this study be right for you?

    - English-speaking - Prior cancer diagnosis - Currently undergoing a cancer regimen that includes a targeted, biologic, radiation, and/or immune-based therapy (ex. TKIs and/or ICIs). - No pregnant females - No prisoners

    Age Range

    18 and up
  • Evaluating if an Antiretroviral Therapy Medication Change Can Effect Weight

    Official Title “Doravirine for Persons with Excessive Weight Gain on Integrase Inhibitors and Tenofovir Alafenamide (The Do IT Study)”


    The purpose of this study is to see whether people living with HIV who gained a significant amount of weight after starting an antiretroviral therapy (ART) could gain less weight, or might lose weight, after an ART regimen switch. The study will also look at whether a switch in antiretroviral therapy leads to differences in how the body stores and uses energy, heart and blood vessel health, and bone health. The study will last for 48 weeks (about 1 year). Following the first visit, you will need to come back to the clinic after about 4, 12, 24, 36, and 48 weeks. Each visit may take up to 3 hours.

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Living with HIV-1 • Be 18 years or older • Currently on an Integrase Inhibitor (INSTI) containing regimen (BIC, DTG or RAL), with > 48 weeks INSTI+TAF/FTC (or TAF/3TC) dosing prior to study entry • Have experienced more than 10% weight gain in the 1-3 years after starting these medications • Have a body mass index (BMI) >27.5 kg/m2 • Have study related tests done • Agree to use contraception/birth control methods if capable of becoming pregnant

    Age Range

    18 and up
  • Evaluating Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and COVID Pandemic-related Stress

    Official Title Neural Mechanisms of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and COVID Pandemic-related Stress


    The purpose of this study is to better understand how Mindfulness-based Mind-Body therapies work to help people with Posttraumatic Stress and Stress and Anxiety related to the COVID Pandemic. We want to learn more about how these treatments work so we can put together better treatments for people with PTSD and stress or worry. Time in the study altogether is generally about 16-18 weeks

    Could this study be right for you?

    For those suffering from PTSD: - Must be between 18 – 72 years of age - Must have current clinically significant symptoms of PTSD - Must be able to come to OSU Columbus campus for fMRI brain scan - Must be appropriate for group therapy Eligibility for those with Pandemic Stress: - Must be between 18 – 72 years of age - Must have current stress related to the pandemic - Must reside in selected zip codes / under-resourced areas in central Ohio (areas with high levels of residents with incomes near the poverty line) - Must be able to come to OSU Columbus campus for fMRI brain scan - Must be appropriate for group therapy - May have up to moderate depression and/or anxiety

    Age Range

    18 and up
  • Evaluating Risk Factors and Behavior Change in Adolescents (16-19 years old)

    Official Title Trauma and Neurobiological Threat Reactivity as Risk Factors for Alcohol Abuse in Youth


    This research study will look at how brain and behavioral responses to emotional prompts relate to future behaviors. This research is being done to better understand risk factors and behavior change in adolescents. The total time that you will be involved in this study is 15 hours including 4 in-person visits and online follow-up forms every 3-months for 2 years.

    Could this study be right for you?

    Eligibility Criteria includes: - 16-19 years old - No history of alcohol use disorder - History of Interpersonal Trauma - Voluntarily consumed at least 1 prior alcoholic beverage (partial list of inclusion criteria) Exclusion Criteria - Currently pregnant (positive pregnancy test), or trying to become pregnant (women) - Lifetime history of any substance use disorder (partial list of exclusion criteria)

    Age Range

    16 and up
  • Evaluating the Anti-inflammation Effectiveness of a Medication in Adults with HIV-1 and Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

    Official Title A5383, Randomized, Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Antiinflammatory Efficacy of Letermovir (Prevymis) in Adults with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-1 and Asymptomatic Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Who Are on Suppressive ART and Its Effect on Chronic Inflammation, HIV Persistence, and Other Clinical Outcomes (ELICIT)


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether letermovir (Prevymis), taken as two 240 mg tablets (480 mg total) or one 480 mg tablet once daily for 48 weeks, reduces inflammation in adults with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) who also have cytomegalovirus (CMV) without any symptoms and who have been on effective anti-HIV medication for at least one year. Reducing inflammation might in turn help prevent some longer-term consequences of HIV, like heart disease and diabetes. This study will also look at whether you experience any side effects to the study drug. The study will last for about 1 year and 2 months (about 11 months on either letermovir or no anti-CMV study reatment and then about another 3 months of follow-up).

    Could this study be right for you?

    • HIV and CMV antibody positive •greater than or equal to 40 years of age • Not currently using any of the following ART medications: efavirenz, nevirapine, etravirine, lopinavir/ritonavir, or once a day dosing of raltegravir (twice daily OK) • Not pregnant or breastfeeding or planning to become pregnant during the study • No use of anti-CMV drugs within 90 days prior to study participation • No active HCV or HBV in past 24 weeks No presence or history of atrial or ventricular tachycardias • All gender identities are eligible, but there are enrollment targets for cis-women or transgender women on gender-affirming hormones

    Age Range

    40 and up
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Study Drug and Quetiapine in People with Depression

    Official Title A Study to Test the Effect of Different Doses of BI 1358894 and Quetiapine in people with Depression


    The purpose of this study is to see if a new drug (BI 1358894), taken in addition to a current antidepressant, is useful and safe for treating patients with Major Depressive Disorder.

    You will be in this study approximately 13 weeks and have about 8 visits to the study center. You will also have about 2 visits that will be done by phone.

    Could this study be right for you?

    Inclusion criteria:
    - Between the ages of 18 and 65
    - Currently taking an antidepressant
    - Currently experiencing symptoms of depression

    Age Range

    18 and up
  • Evaluating the Safety and Effectiveness of a Medication Used by Those Who have Sex with Male Partners and Are at Risk for HIV Infection

    Official Title A Phase 3, Double-Blind, Multicenter, Randomized Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Subcutaneous Twice Yearly Long-Acting Lenacapavir for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in Cisgender Men, Transgender Women, Transgender Men, and Gender Non-binary People ≥ 16 Years of Age who Have Sex with Male Partners and are at Risk for HIV InfectionA Phase 3, Double-Blind, Multicenter, Randomized Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Subcutaneous Twice Yearly Long-Acting Lenacapavir for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in Cisgender Men, Transgender Women, for HIV Pre-Exposure to Those Having Sex with Transgender Men, and Gender Non-binary People ≥ 16 Years of Age who Have Sex with Male Partners and are at Risk for HIV Infection


    The purpose of this study is to see if Lenacapavir is safe and effective to use as a pre-exposure prevention in Cisgender Men (CGM), Transgender Women (TGW), Transgender Men (TGM) and Gender Non-binary people (GNB), with a high risk of HIV infection.

    Could this study be right for you?

    • CGM, TGW, TGM, and GNB who have condomless receptive anal sex with partners assigned male at birth and are at risk for HIV infection. • HIV-1 status unknown at screening and no prior HIV-1 testing within the last 3 months • Sexually active with ≥ 1 partner assigned male at birth in the last 12 months and 1 of the following: o Condomless receptive anal sex with ≥ 2 partners in the last 12 weeks o History of syphilis, rectal gonorrhea, or rectal chlamydia in the last 24 weeks o Use of stimulants with sex in the last 12 weeks

    Age Range

    18 and up