Research studies are looking for volunteers just like you. Both healthy volunteers and participants with specific health conditions are needed to help answer important questions impacting the health of our friends and family. Join us to improve the health of others.

Study Categories

* indicates required field
  • Follow-up Study for Those Who Have Undergone (or Will Undergo) the Subchondroplasty (SCP) Knee Procedure



    A study for those who will (have undergone) the Subchondroplasty (SCP) procedure for their knee. SCP is a procedure performed on subjects who have bone marrow lesions(BMLs). BMLs are subchondral defects in the bone, also called Insufficiency Fractures. This follow-up study will collect information on the short- and long-term safety and effectiveness of the SCP procedure.

    Could this study be right for you?

    - 18 years of age or older
    - Considered to be a candidate for SCP procedure by your surgeon
    - Have agreed to undergo the SCP procedure or has already undergone the procedure
    - Willing and able to sign a written consent form
    - Has the ability and the willingness to contribute follow-up outcome data

    Age Range

    18 and up
  • Frequency of Treatment in Children with Language Impairment

    Official Title Determining the Optimal Treatment Intensity for Children with Language Impairment


    The purpose of the study is to determine the amount of speech-language intervention children need to make improvements.

    We hope to identify the appropriate amount of intervention needed as well as the point at which adding more intervention is no longer beneficial.

    Participation in this study will last for approximately 10 weeks with one 2 hour session before the book reading intervention, one 2 hour session after the book reading intervention and a 6-month follow up.

    Could this study be right for you?

    Inclusion Criteria:

    • Your child is between the ages of 5 and 6 years 11 months old
    • Has received a primary diagnosis of a Language Impairment with vocabulary deficits
    • Receives Speech and Language services through their school
    • Primarily communicates in English

    Age Range

    5 and up
  • Healthy New Albany: Breast Cancer Project

    Official Title Healthy New Albany: Breast Cancer Project


    Determine the feasibility of delivering a community-based, lifestyle weight management intervention in producing meaningful improvements in weight loss and relevant clinical and patient-reported outcomes in Breast Cancer survivors.

    Could this study be right for you?

    Female breast cancer survivor within 60 months after cessation of active treatment. Overweight/Obese (BMI > 25). Ability to understand and willing to sign a written informed consent. Willing and physically able to participate in physical activity. Obtain physician consent via primary care physician and/or treating oncologist.

    Age Range

    30 and up
  • Hepatitis C Virus Immunity in Women and Children

    Official Title Hepatitis C Virus Immunity in Women and Children


    This is a study to find out how pregnancy affects a mother’s immune system. (The “immune system” is the part of the body that fights germs.) This study is also to find out why some babies who are exposed to infections during pregnancy get infected and others do not.

    To do this project we need to study some women and babies who are infected with the hepatitis C virus and others who are not. This will allow us to compare their immune systems.

    Could this study be right for you?

    You may be eligible to participate if you are:

    PREGNANCY COHORT eligibility criteria:
    1) Pregnant (enrollment preferably during 1st or 2nd trimester, but may occur as late as the delivery hospitalization)
    2) HCV-RNA positive (#150) or HCV-RNA negative (#50)
    3) Willing and able to attend all study visits

    Exclusion criteria for mothers:
    1) Inability to provide informed consent
    2) Incarceration

    Inclusion criteria for infants:
    1) Child born to study mother

    Exclusion criteria for infants:
    1) In custody of county children’s services (Enrolled infants who are temporarily in custody of children’s services will not have further study blood draws, but lab results from blood tests ordered by their pediatrician may be followed to monitor the outcome of their HCV exposure. Infants who are later placed back in the custody of their mother or relative may be re-enrolled.)

    NON-PREGNANCY COHORT eligibility criteria:
    1) Willing and able to attend all study visits

    Exclusion criteria:
    1) Currently pregnant
    2) Inability to provide informed consent
    3) Incarceration

  • Immune Response in Adolescents

    Official Title Immune Response in Adolescents


    Our goal in this study is to learn more about the immune system in adolescence and early adulthood. We are looking to enroll healthy children ages 12-18 years old.

    Enrollment in the study will require 1 visit to Nationwide Children’s Hospital involving a blood draw and 2 nasal swabs.
    The visit will take approximately 1- 1 ½ hour(s). We ask that the family brings a copy of the child’s immunization record to the visit.

    Could this study be right for you?

    Children will need to meet the following criteria to be in the study:

    Inclusion Criteria:
    · Parents/Legal guardian able and willing to sign informed consent and the child is willing to sign assent form for participation. All forms are in English.
    · Healthy children, age 12-18 years old

    Exclusion Criteria:
    · Any chronic or congenital conditions that may potentially affect immune responses
    · Cough, congestion, fever, rhinorrhea, rash and any other symptoms indicative of infection within the 2 weeks prior to enrollment sampling
    · HIV, AIDS or other immunodeficiencies or any other condition that may affect their immune system
    · Use of systemic steroids within 2 weeks prior to enrollment
    · Immunization(s) within the last 30 days

    Age Range

    12 and up
  • Improving the Breast Cancer Care Delivery Model for Sex and Gender Minority Survivors (LGBTQ+)

    Official Title ImproviNg The BrEast CaNcer Care DelivEry MoDel for Sex and Gender Minority Survivors (INTENDED for SGM)


    The long-term goal of this study is to improve decision quality and health-related outcomes for sexual gender minority (SGM) breast/chest cancer survivors. The goal is to evaluate important ways the current care model needs adjusted for SGM people, and how best to combine a socially important care model into clinical practice.

    Survivors: Eligible participants will participate in a 90-minute focus group and online survey regarding your opinions about improving LGBTQ+ breast/chest cancer care.

    Clinicians: Eligible participants will participate in a 30-minute interview and brief survey regarding your opinions about improving LGBTQ+ breast/chest cancer care.

    Participation in this study will take no more than 1 hour and 30 minutes.

    Could this study be right for you?


    1. Self-identify as a member of the SGM community

    2. Age ≥18 years at the time of signing the informed consent form

    3. Breast/chest cancer survivor in active treatment or completed active treatment in the last 10 years (not including hormone therapy)

    4. Be able to read and speak English

    5. Have received care in the U.S.

    6. Be able to participate in virtual meetings



    1. Physicians, advance practice providers, nurses, psychologists, social workers, therapists, technologists, and other trained clinical professionals

    2. Provide care to individuals diagnosed with breast cancer in the U.S.

    3. Be able to read and speak English

    4. Be able to participate in virtual meetings

    Age Range

    18 and up
  • Intervention to Improve Teen Driving

    Official Title A Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Trial to Improve Safe Driving among Teen Drivers with Traffic Violations


    The purpose of this study is to test the effects of an in-vehicle driving feedback technology, with and without parent training, on parent-teen communications as well as teens' risky driving behaviors, unsafe driving behaviors, and subsequent traffic violations.

    Could this study be right for you?

    In order to be eligible:
    - You must be 16 -18 years of age
    - Need a valid State of Ohio driver's license (no learner's permit)
    - Proof of car insurance
    - Must drive more than one hour per week

    Age Range

    16 and up
  • Keto Prescribed+: A Healthy Thinking and Eating Program

    Official Title Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors and Beliefs of African American Women


    Evaluate factors that influence African American women’s healthy lifestyle behaviors and beliefs. A descriptive study using anonymous survey data.

    Could this study be right for you?

    Adult African American/Black women

    Age Range

    18 and up
  • Learning and Improving Alzheimer's Patient-Caregiver Relationships

    Official Title Collaborative Research: Learning and Improving Alzheimer's Patient-Caregiver Relationships via Smart Healthcare Technology


    The purpose of this study is to explore how family caregivers and persons with memory loss communicate and if certain ways of handling stress, such as mindfulness-based self managements, are helpful for family caregivers. You will be in the study for up to four months from the time of consent to the time of final study data collection. There will be 4 telephone or video calls, and each will take approximately 30 – 135 minutes.

    Could this study be right for you?

    Caregivers who will participate in this study need to: 1) be aged 21 years or older 2) be an informal, unpaid caregiver who lives with the care recipient 3) be fluent in English 4) have functioning home Wifi The inclusion criteria for care recipients (persons with memory loss) are: 1) females and males age 60-99 years 2) history of memory loss 3) community-dwelling (living in the home) 4) fluent in English

    Age Range

    21 and up
  • Lewy Bodies Study for Those with Sleep Behavior Disorders

    Official Title A Phase 2, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study of nelotanserin versus placebo in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) experiencing REM sleep behaviors (RBD)


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety of the study drug called nelotanserin and to assess the effects of nelotanserin in those experiencing frequent REM sleep behavior disorders due to dementia with Lewy bodies. Nelotanserin (study drug) is an investigational product, which means that it has not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the government health agencies of any other countries.

    Could this study be right for you?

    --Age: 50-85
    --Diagnosis: probable dementia with Lewy bodies or Parkinson's disease dementia
    --AND diagnosis of REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) with frequent RBD episodes
    --Must have a study partner willing to serve as a collateral informant for study assessments
    --MMSE Score: greater than or equal to 18 (Mini Mental State Examination score to be explained by the coordinator)

    Age Range

    50 and up
  • Light Therapy for Impaired Sleep in Parkinson’s Disease

    Official Title A Dose Selection Trial of Light Therapy for Impaired Sleep in Parkinson’s Disease


    This study is being done to find out if light therapy can help people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) who experience difficulties with their sleep. We also want to find out if light therapy is safe and does not cause too many side effects. If you qualify to join, it will take you about 4 months to complete this research study. During this time, we will ask you to make 5 study visits to The Ohio State University and complete 3 phone calls.

    Could this study be right for you?

    Inclusion Criteria: 1) Diagnosis of idiopathic PD 2) Stable dose of all PD medications for at least 30 days prior to randomization 3) Willingness to wear an Actiwatch and complete daily sleep logs Exclusion Criteria 1) Presence of moderate depression 2) Co-existent significant sleep apnea 3) Co-existent symptomatic restless legs syndrome (RLS) 4) Cognitive impairment 5) Pregnant women Further inclusion/exclusion criteria exists

    Age Range

    45 and up
  • Mapping Individual Differences in Mood and Personality - The MindMap Study

    Official Title Mechanisms of Negative Affectivity


    Symptoms related to depression and anxiety can affect a person’s daily life and relationships. Some research suggests that people with mood and anxiety disorders process information differently than people without these types of disorders.

    The purpose of this study is to better understand the way the brain works in people who have depression and anxiety. Researchers hope their findings will lead to better ways to diagnose and treat mood and anxiety disorders in the future.

    Participation involves an initial phone call and a 3 to 5 hour visit to find out if you are eligible. This visit will include completing questionnaires and interviews. If eligible, participants will have a second 3-5 hour visit for an MRI scan.

    The 3rd and 4th visits (at 6 and 12 months) will include 1.5 to 3 hours of questionnaires and interviews each.

    Following the scan, the 6-month follow-up, and the 12-month follow-up, participants will also complete daily online questionnaires for 7 days.

    Could this study be right for you?

    You may be eligible for this study if you are:
    • 18-25 years of age
    • Right-handed
    • Currently experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety (feeling down or depressed, anxious, nervous, or tense, having no interest in things you used to enjoy, or feeling hopeless)
    • Not currently receiving treatment (psychiatric medications or therapy)
    • No major medical problems (e.g., stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure, endocrine disorders, etc.)
    • No history of neurological disorders (e.g., seizures, head injury, etc.)
    • Normal vision, vision that is corrected to normal with glasses or contacts
    • Willing and able to undergo fMRI scanning (not claustrophobic, no non-removable metal in your body)
    • Not pregnant

    Participation involves an initial phone call and a 3 to 5 hour visit to find out if you are eligible. This visit will include completing questionnaires and interviews. If eligible, participants will have a second 3-5 hour visit for an MRI scan.

    The 3rd and 4th visits (at 6 and 12 months) will include 1.5 to 3 hours of questionnaires and interviews each.

    Following the scan, the 6-month follow-up, and the 12-month follow-up, participants will also complete daily online questionnaires for 7 days.

    Age Range

    18 and up