• Neurodevelopmental Effects of Youth Tackle Football

    Official Title Understanding the Neurodevelopmental Effects of Youth Tackle Football Participation


    In this study we are aiming to identify risk factors for higher exposure to football-related neurotrauma in youth tackle football players and to determine the effects of football-related neurotrauma exposure on neurodevelopment in children with no previous tackle football participation.

    For this specific posting, we are looking for boys ages 8-12 who are non-athletes or athletes who play non-contact sports to serve as control subjects for our fMRI study. 

    Could this study be right for you?

    We are looking for boys ages 8-12 who are either non-athletes or do not participate in any contact sports

    • Boys must have no metal implanted in the body
    • Have no prior history of head trauma
    • Have no serious health or mental health diagnoses
    • Must not have a fear of enclosed spaces

    Age Range

    8 - 12 years
  • A Study about Retirement from Contact Sports after Concussion

    Official Title Retirement from contact sports after concussion


    The purpose of this study is to learn about the experiences of children and young adults after they stop playing contact sports due to concussion.

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Male and females aged 14-22 years old
    • Retired from contact sports due to prior concussion

    Additionally, a parent may participate if their child enrolls. 

    Age Range

    14 - 22 years
  • Buckeye Concussion Knowledge Survey (BUCKS)

    Official Title BUckeye Concussion Knowledge Survey (BUCKS)


    The purpose of this study is to examine health outcomes in former Ohio State University athletes who played a varsity sport during their time at OSU. The objective is to determine whether athletes who sustained a concussion have different health outcomes than those who did not sustain a concussion. Any former OSU varsity athlete can participate in a 20-minute online survey.

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Anyone who has played a varsity sport as an undergraduate student at OSU, and they have now graduated (i.e., OSU athlete alumni). There are no other restrictions in terms of age, sex/gender, type of sport, etc.

    Age Range

    18 years and up
  • A Study about Retirement from Contact Sports after Concussion

    Official Title Retirement from Contact Sports after Concussion


    The purpose of this study is to understand the experiences of children and young adults after medical retirement from contact sports due to concussion(s).

    Participants and their parent(s) will complete online questionnaires (about 10 minutes) at the time of enrollment. You will then be scheduled for an interview (about 30 minutes) by video meeting or phone.

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Children and young adults who have retired from contact sports or other high-risk activities (i.e. dirt bike riding, downhill skiing...) due to prior concussion.  
    • Parents may participate if their child enrolls.

    Age Range

    14 - 22 years
  • A Study about Eye Teaming, Focusing Ability and Quality of Life

    Official Title Development of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Children with Concussion-Related and Non-Concussion-Related Non-Strabismic Binocular Vision, Accommodative and Visual Tracking Problems: Phase 1


    The purpose of this study is to assist in development of a new quality of life survey that can be used to learn more about how eye teaming, focusing ability and eye movement problems affect a child’s life.

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Children experiencing eye teaming, focusing, and eye movement problems (with recent concussion or non-concussed)
    • Children with amblyopia (lazy eye) are excluded

    Age Range

    8 - 17 years
  • Assessing Responses to Exercise in the Heat in Trained Women

    Official Title Assessing Responses to Exercise in the Heat in Trained Women


    The purpose of this research study is to conduct exercise in hot and neutral environments on women who are aerobically trained and resistance trained to characterize and compare responses across physiologic, perceptual, and neurocognitive domains. Our rationale for this investigation is that its completion would provide evidence as to how women of different fitness backgrounds respond to exercise in the heat and how that response is different from exercising in thermoneutral conditions to better describe how the female body tolerates exercise in the heat with implications for those in recreation, competitive sports, and occupation that expands to emergency and military services.

    Could this study be right for you?

    Aerobically Trained: having a measured aerobic capacity in the 80th percentile according to age

    Resistance Trained: able to squat 120% and bench press 60% of their body weight.

    Unacclimatized: participants had not been consistently exposed to hot conditions (i.e., sauna, hot yoga, etc.) in the past 2 months.

    Age Range

    18 - 35
  • A treatment study for chondral lesion in your knee

    Official Title Evaluation of the efficacy of radiofrequency-based debridement vs. mechanical debridement for the treatment of articular cartilage lesions.


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate 2 different treatments, Mechanical Debridement (i.e., a mechanical shaver that removes areas of damaged tissue) and Radiofrequency Debridement (i.e., electrical energy that removes areas of damaged tissue), used to treat the chondral lesion in your knee.

    Could this study be right for you?

    You may be eligible for this study if you:
    • Are 18 - 50 years of age
    • Suspected chondral damage in the following locations where debridement is indicated:
    o Medial femoral condyle
    o Lateral femoral condyle
    o Trochlea
    o Patella
    • 1 or more chondral lesion(s) as noted on MRI

    • Previous chondral treatment in the same compartment (prior debridement and lavage performed more than three months prior to baseline are acceptable)
    • Pregnant and/or intending to become pregnant during this study period

    Age Range

    18 and up
  • A Study About Recovery After ACL Reconstruction (RARE)

    Official Title Disability after ACL Reconstruction: Development of an Alternative Model of Care


    The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in your knee can be injured and treated with an ACL reconstruction surgery. An ACL reconstruction may impact function, muscle strength, the way you move, and knee joint health. However, outcomes at 2 years after ACL reconstructions in young persons are not well-understood. Findings from this study will provide information regarding the clinical, function, muscle strength, and movement patterns after ACL injury and reconstruction to help inform physicians and physical therapists who work with these patients.

    Could this study be right for you?

    You may be eligible if:

    1. You are between the ages of 16-35 years old
    2. 2 years (+/- 8 months) status post ACL Reconstruction
    3. Regularly participated in physical activity prior to their ACL injury

    Age Range

    16 and up
  • Registry for Shoulder Surgery Outcomes

    Official Title Shoulder Surgery Outcomes Registry


    This registry will collect outcomes data of patients undergoing shoulder surgery with Dr. Jonathan Barlow or Dr. Julie Bishop. The purpose of this registry is to provide a way to collect and store data for patients undergoing shoulder surgery to support the conduct of future research in an effort to improve patient outcomes.

    Could this study be right for you?

    - A patient undergoing surgery with Dr Jonathan Barlow or Dr Julie Bishop (will be asked to enroll once the clinical decision has been made to proceed with surgery)
    - 18 to 89 years old
    - Able to provide consent

    Age Range

    18 and up
  • Rotator Cuff Study--For Those Who Require Surgical Treatment for Full Thickness Massive Tear

    Official Title A prospective, single blinded, multi-center, randomized, controlled, pivotal study to assess the safety and effectiveness of the InSpace™ device for treatment of full thickness Massive Rotator Cuff Tears


    This research study will evaluate a new device, InSpace, for use with a full thickness massive tear of rotator cuff (the group of connective tissues in the shoulder). The device is designed to allow smooth gliding of the bones in the shoulder during motion, which may allow rehabilitation exercises with less pain. The research study is being conducted to see whether the InSpace device is safe and effective for shoulder problems due to a full thickness massive rotator cuff tear.

    Could this study be right for you?

    1) Is male or female ≥ forty (40) years of age
    2) Positive diagnostic imaging by MRI within 9 months of enrollment of the index shoulder indicating a full thickness MRCT: measuring ≥ 5 cm in diameter (Cofield classification) and involving ≥ two tendons
    3) Functional deltoid muscle and preserved passive range of motion on physical examination
    4) Failed non-operative treatment of at least 4 months from the initial treatment to include one or all of the following: Oral analgesics, Anti-inflammatory medication (e.g., ibuprofen, naproxen), Corticosteroid injection(s), Physical therapy, Activity modification, or Rest (sling used)
    5) Must be able to read and understand the approved Informed Consent Form (written and oral)
    6) Must be in general good health (as determined by the Investigator) based on screening assessments and medical history
    7) Must be independent, ambulatory, and can comply with all post-operative evaluations and visits.

    Other details will be shared by the study coordinator.

    Age Range

    40 and up