Neurodevelopmental Effects of Youth Tackle Football
Official Title Understanding the Neurodevelopmental Effects of Youth Tackle Football ParticipationPurpose
In this study we are aiming to identify risk factors for higher exposure to football-related neurotrauma in youth tackle football players and to determine the effects of football-related neurotrauma exposure on neurodevelopment in children with no previous tackle football participation.
For this specific posting, we are looking for boys ages 8-12 who are non-athletes or athletes who play non-contact sports to serve as control subjects for our fMRI study.
Could this study be right for you?
We are looking for boys ages 8-12 who are either non-athletes or do not participate in any contact sports.
- Boys must have no metal implanted in the body
- Have no prior history of head trauma
- Have no serious health or mental health diagnoses
- Must not have a fear of enclosed spaces
Age Range
8 - 12 years -
Exploring the Development of the Infant and Fetal Brain
Official Title Exploring the Connectivity and Functional Organization of the Infant BrainPurpose
The purpose of the study is to investigate how the brain that we are each born with leads to our own unique behavior later in life, and the similarities and differences between maternal and child brains. We are studying infants prenatally and postnatally, following up with them as they grow and develop, and studying their mothers to understand how similar/different they are to their child.
Could this study be right for you?
- Infants under 3 years of age, and pregnant persons who are at least 20 weeks pregnant
- All participants must have no metal implanted in the body
- Have no significant health conditions or history of serious mental illness
- Not suffer from a (fear of enclosed spaces)
- Pregnancies must be without complication.
Age Range
Up to 40 years -
Determining the Best Glasses Prescription for Children with Down Syndrome
Official Title Dilated Wavefront versus Non-Dilated Wavefront for Metric-Optimized Refraction Procedure for Individuals with Down SyndromePurpose
The purpose of this study is to examine whether we can use an instrument that measures how the eye focuses light to determine the best glasses prescription.
Could this study be right for you?
- Children with Down syndrome age 5 to 17 years
- Able to do vision tests by naming or matching shapes or letters
- Able to look at lights for short periods of time
- No nystagmus (uncontrolled eye movements when trying to look at things)
- Safe to dilate the eyes - we will screen medical history, eye health, and allergies to determine this
- No scars on the front of the eye
- No cataracts
- No eye diseases like glaucoma or retinal problems
Age Range
5 - 17 years -
A Study about Retirement from Contact Sports after Concussion
Official Title Retirement from contact sports after concussionPurpose
The purpose of this study is to learn about the experiences of children and young adults after they stop playing contact sports due to concussion.
Could this study be right for you?
- Male and females aged 14-22 years old
- Retired from contact sports due to prior concussion
Additionally, a parent may participate if their child enrolls.
Age Range
14 - 22 years -
A Study about Retirement from Contact Sports after Concussion
Official Title Retirement from Contact Sports after ConcussionPurpose
The purpose of this study is to understand the experiences of children and young adults after medical retirement from contact sports due to concussion(s).
Participants and their parent(s) will complete online questionnaires (about 10 minutes) at the time of enrollment. You will then be scheduled for an interview (about 30 minutes) by video meeting or phone.
Could this study be right for you?
- Children and young adults who have retired from contact sports or other high-risk activities (i.e. dirt bike riding, downhill skiing...) due to prior concussion.
- Parents may participate if their child enrolls.
Age Range
14 - 22 years -
A Study about Movement Videos to Identify Developmental Abnormalities in Infants
Official Title The 5000 Baby ProjectPurpose
The purpose of this study is to develop a screening tool to be used at birth to help lower the age at diagnosis of various developmental disorders.
Your infant will lie on their back in their diaper and have a video recorded of their movements. You will be given a medical history questionnaire to fill out during the recording. The visit typically lasts 15-20 minutes.
Could this study be right for you?
- Any infants from birth - 6 months (corrected age if applicable)
- Parent/legal guardian present and willing to provide informed consent
- Parent/Legal guardian is English Speaking
Ohio Teen Driver Study
Official Title Leveraging DRVN driver training app to reduce risky driving intentions in novice teen driversPurpose
The purpose of this study is to see if the bonus safety messages and the amount of app use predicts safe driving attitudes and behaviors at licensure. We are recruiting Ohio teens with learner's permits to use a free driver training app called DRVN.
Could this study be right for you?
- Must have learner's permit to drive in Ohio
Age Range
15 - 17 -
A Study about Eye Teaming, Focusing Ability and Quality of Life
Official Title Development of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Children with Concussion-Related and Non-Concussion-Related Non-Strabismic Binocular Vision, Accommodative and Visual Tracking Problems: Phase 1Purpose
The purpose of this study is to assist in development of a new quality of life survey that can be used to learn more about how eye teaming, focusing ability and eye movement problems affect a child’s life.
Could this study be right for you?
- Children experiencing eye teaming, focusing, and eye movement problems (with recent concussion or non-concussed)
- Children with amblyopia (lazy eye) are excluded
Age Range
8 - 17 years -
A Randomized Trial to Evaluate Sequential vs Simultaneous Spectacles plus Patching for Amblyopia in Children 3 to <13 Years Old
Official Title AMBLYOPIA TREATMENT STUDY (ATS22): A Randomized Trial to Evaluate Sequential vs Simultaneous Spectacles plus Patching for Amblyopia in Children 3 to <13 Years Old
The purpose of this study is to evaluate if treating amblyopia (lazy eye) with glasses and patching at the same time improves vision as well as treating amblyopia first with glasses and then with patching, if needed.
Could this study be right for you?
- Visual acuity in the amblyopic eye between 20/40 and 20/200
- No previous treatment for amblyopia, including glasses or contact lenses
- Amblyopia (lazy eye) in one eye
Age Range
3 - 12 -
Young Women’s Health Study
Official Title An Intervention Study about Primary Care Algorithms for Early Identification of Young Women with von Willebrand DiseasePurpose
Researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital are seeking volunteers to be a part of a study looking at how to best screen for bleeding disorders in young women.
Participants will be asked to undergo a finger prick blood test and complete questionnaires. If their survey answers suggest they have heavy menses or abnormal bleeding, they will also be asked to have a blood draw on the same day.
Could this study be right for you?
- Are 9 to 21 years old
- Have had your first menstrual cycle
Age Range
9 - 21