• An Observational Study to Examine School Transition after Traumatic Brain Injury

    Official Title STATBI: School Transitions after Traumatic Brain Injury


    The purpose of this study is to understand the best ways to help students return to school after brain injury of any severity. This is important to study because finding the best ways to help students go back to school right after brain injury, and over time, can help improve student success and recovery.

    Your participation in the study would take place when you/your child begins the study and then at 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 2 years (if applicable) and 3 years (if applicable) after the study starts.

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Students aged 5 to 18 years old
    • In kindergarten through 12th grade
    • Must Speak English
    • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) of any severity
    • Parent/caregiver is willing to share medical and academic information with the research team (all study activities are virtual/remote)

    Age Range

    5 and up
  • A Study to Examine Atropine for the Reduction of Nearsightedness (The CHAPERONE Study)

    Official Title Microdosed Atropine for the Reduction of Pediatric Myopia Progression (The CHAPERONE Study)


    The purpose of this study to test the safety and effectiveness of atropine 0.1% and atropine 0.01% eye solutions. These drugs are being tested to see if they slow the worsening of nearsightedness. Children who participate in this study will be asked to use their assigned study medication every night and willing to attend visits at The Ohio State University of Optometry 1 month after starting treatment. These visits will continue for 6 months until the duration of the study ends. This study will take place over a 4-year time period.

    Could this study be right for you?

    · Children aged 3 to < 13 years old. · No previous use of medications related to myopia control. · Glasses and/or contact lens prescription between -1.00 and -6.00 diopters. Interested guardians who believe their child may be eligible should contact study coordinators to further determine eligibility

    Age Range

    3 and up
  • Child Categorization Study

    Official Title The Ontogenesis of Categorization (Children age 4)


    The purpose of the study is to investigate the early development of attention, learning and memory; this is a multi-year study.

    All sessions will take approximately 60-120 minutes to complete. This study will be conducted in our lab, and mandated OSU COVID safety protocol will be followed.

    Could this study be right for you?

    - Children who are 4 years old
    - Have normal or corrected to normal vision

    Age Range

    4 and up
  • Child Memory Study

    Official Title Cognitive Development (Children 4-9 yrs old)


    The purpose of this study is to understand how children sort new information using simple memory exercises with animated computer games.

    All sessions will take approximately 25-45 minutes to complete. Participating children will play memory games on our touchscreens and computers. For on-campus sessions, mandated OSU COVID safety precautions will be followed.

    Could this study be right for you?

    - Children ages 4-9 years old

    Age Range

    4 and up
  • Perinatal Arterial Stroke: The I-ACQUIRE Study

    Official Title Perinatal Arterial Stroke: The I-ACQUIRE Study


    Children who suffered a stroke before or shortly after being born that was caused by blockage of blood flow in an artery, it often results in the child showing some weakness on one side of their body.

    With this study, we want to find out if a type of therapy may help children who have weakness on one side of their body due to perinatal arterial ischemic stroke, learn how to better use their weaker arm.

    All children will be in the study for about 13 - 15 months. Some children may be in the study for a longer period, depending on which treatment they receive during Phase 1 of the study. The I-ACQUIRE therapy involves fun learning and play, self-help activities, and manipulating interesting toys and objects.

    Could this study be right for you?

    - Your child must be between the ages of 8 and 36 months old when beginning this study
    - Your child must have suffered an a perinatal arterial ischemic stroke
    - Upper limb weakness
    - Parents must be able to participate at least 1x/week for therapy and 40-60 minutes/day at home

  • A Study Evaluating Occupational Therapy Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Official Title Characterizing Occupational Therapy Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders


    We are actively recruiting typically developing children (ages 6 – 13 years) to participate in a new study looking at attention and sensory processing. In this study, we are investigating what occupational therapy practitioners are doing during therapy for children with autism and to see the effect of occupational therapy on brainwaves and behavior. We will identify differences in brainwaves in children with and without autism. You and your child will be asked to schedule one visit to the EEG lab at Ohio State University. Your visit will last about 2.5 hours and include an hour of EEG testing and one hour of paper-pencil game-like activities measuring attention. We need parent consent, and the parent/guardian will complete assessments about their child as well.

    Could this study be right for you?

    - Children with no autism or any other medical diagnosis - Your child is between 6 - 13 years of age

    Age Range

    6 and up
  • Hepatitis C Virus Immunity in Women and Children

    Official Title Hepatitis C Virus Immunity in Women and Children


    This is a study to find out how pregnancy affects a mother’s immune system. (The “immune system” is the part of the body that fights germs.) This study is also to find out why some babies who are exposed to infections during pregnancy get infected and others do not.

    To do this project we need to study some women and babies who are infected with the hepatitis C virus and others who are not. This will allow us to compare their immune systems.

    Could this study be right for you?

    You may be eligible to participate if you are:

    PREGNANCY COHORT eligibility criteria:
    1) Pregnant (enrollment preferably during 1st or 2nd trimester, but may occur as late as the delivery hospitalization)
    2) HCV-RNA positive (#150) or HCV-RNA negative (#50)
    3) Willing and able to attend all study visits

    Exclusion criteria for mothers:
    1) Inability to provide informed consent
    2) Incarceration

    Inclusion criteria for infants:
    1) Child born to study mother

    Exclusion criteria for infants:
    1) In custody of county children’s services (Enrolled infants who are temporarily in custody of children’s services will not have further study blood draws, but lab results from blood tests ordered by their pediatrician may be followed to monitor the outcome of their HCV exposure. Infants who are later placed back in the custody of their mother or relative may be re-enrolled.)

    NON-PREGNANCY COHORT eligibility criteria:
    1) Willing and able to attend all study visits

    Exclusion criteria:
    1) Currently pregnant
    2) Inability to provide informed consent
    3) Incarceration

  • Diet Quality of Low-Income Children 6-24 months old

    Official Title An Examination of the Diet Quality of Low-Income Children 6-24 months old


    The purpose of the research is to determine the dietary patterns and calculate the dietary quality of children 6 to 24 months of age and enrolled in childcare centers, WIC, and other places that serve parents of young children; and to identify the most important cultural, social, and economic factors influencing the dietary and feeding patterns of these children. The total amount of time you will be asked to volunteer for this study is 2 hours and 10 minutes.

    Could this study be right for you?

    - Parent or caregiver of a child 6 to 24 months old - Receiving WIC, SNAP, or similar benefits - Live in Franklin County, Ohio

    Age Range

    18 and up
  • Diet Quality in Children 3-5 Years Old from Low Income Households

    Official Title An Examination of the Diet Quality of Children Low Income Children from 3-5 Years of Age


    To determine dietary patterns and calculate dietary quality of young children enrolled in child care centers, WIC, and other places that serve parents and young children; and to identify the most significant cultural, social, and economic factors influencing the dietary and eating patterns of these children.

    The total amount of time you will be asked to volunteer for this study is 2 hours and 10 minutes.

    Could this study be right for you?

    - Parents and/or caregivers must be at least 18 years of age
    - Each household must qualify as low income status
    - Each parent/caregiver must be fluent in English
    - Each child must not have a medical condition requiring diet modifications
    - Each child must be 3-5 years old

    Age Range

    3 and up
  • Diet Quality in Children Birth to 6 Months Old from Low Income Households

    Official Title An Examination of the Diet Quality of Low-Income Children from Birth to 6 Months Old.


    The purpose of the research is to determine the dietary patterns and calculate the dietary quality of infants and enrolled in childcare centers, WIC, and other places that serve parents of young children; and to identify the most significant cultural, social, and economic factors influencing the dietary and feeding patterns of these children.

    The total amount of time you will be asked to volunteer for this study is 2 hours and 10 minutes.

    Could this study be right for you?

    - Parents or caregivers must be at least 18 years of age
    - Each parent/caregiver must be fluent in English
    - Each household must qualify as low income status based on the number of people in the household
    - Children must be within 0-6 months of age
    - Children must not have any medical condition requiring a modified diet