• Creating Culturally Responsive Early Childhood Programs: Hearing from Parents about what they want

    Official Title An Examination of Culturally Responsive, Inclusive, and Socially Just Practices Parent Feedback


    The research study will examine parents’ - or a child’s primary caregiver - perspectives on an online professional development (PD) training for teachers, targeting early care and education (ECE) teachers’ use of culturally responsive, inclusive, and socially just practices. Parents of young children will be recruited to review the online PD course and complete surveys about the course. A subset of participants will participate in a focus group to share their feedback on the course.

    Could this study be right for you?

    Parent or caregiver to a child who:

    - Is between 3 and 5 years old

    - Is identified as Black/African American

    - Attends a center-based early care and education program (pre-kindergarten, Head Start, child care, preschool, etc.)

    Age Range

    17 - 99 years
  • Study with LGBTQ+ tobacco users and vapers

    Official Title Sexual and gender diverse young adults' preferences for nicotine and tobacco product attributes


    We are inviting LGBTQ+ folks to share their opinions about product features (e.g., flavors, nicotine levels) and other factors (e.g., stress, social media, marketing) that make people want to try or continue to use tobacco products.

    Could this study be right for you?

    Able to speak English fluently,

    identify as LGBTQ+,

    used nicotine/tobacco products in past 30-days (cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, e-cigarettes, etc.), and

    reside in the U.S.

    Age Range

    18 - 34 years
  • Provider and Patient Preferences for improving HIV and STI Prevention in Primary Care

    Official Title Client and clinician preferences for same-day PrEP and doxy-PEP awareness, uptake and persistence in primary care.


    The purpose of this study is to better understand the perspectives of both primary care clinicians and the LGBTQ+ clients they serve and how to best improve the awareness and sustained use of available STI and HIV prevention methods to ultimately improve the sexual health disparities among LGBTQ+ populations. 

    Could this study be right for you?

    • 15 years of age or older
    • Speak & read English
    • Identify as LGBTQ+ and have ever used primary care
    • Primary care provider (MD, DO, APRN, PA, PharmD)
    • Have access to the internet

    Age Range

    15 - 150 years

    Official Title PRagmatic EValuation of evENTs And Benefits of Lipid-lowering in oldEr adults


    The purpose of PREVENTABLE is to learn if taking a statin could help older adults live well for longer by preventing dementia, disability, or heart disease. The duration of the study will last 5 years. 

    Could this study be right for you?

    Inclusion Criteria:

    • Community-dwelling adults
    • Age ≥75 years
    • English or Spanish as primary language


    Exclusion Criteria:

    • Clinically evident cardiovascular disease defined as prior myocardial Infarction (MI), prior stroke, prior revascularization procedure, or a secondary prevention indication for a statin (clinician determined)
    • Hospitalization for a primary diagnosis of heart failure in the prior 12 months (Note: History of heart failure in the absence of recent hospitalization or clinically evident cardiovascular disease is not an exclusion)
    • Dementia (clinically evident or previously diagnosed)
    • Dependence in any Katz Basic Activities of Daily Living [ADL] (with the exception of urinary or bowel continence)
    • Severe hearing impairment (preventing phone follow up)
    • Unable to talk (preventing phone follow up)

    Exclusion Criteria varies, please contact Study Coordinator for more information. 

    Age Range

    75 years and up
  • A Study for Active Military Service Members (or recently served); Examining Uncertainty, Health, and Home Safety Practices

    Official Title Uncertainty and Firearms: Obtaining Secure Storage (UFOS)


    The purpose of this study is to examine whether fear of uncertainty plays a role in home safety practices among firearm owners who are currently or have recently served in the U.S. military.

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Currently serving in any Branch or Component of the U.S. military, or were discharged from the U.S. military within the past 90 days
    • 18 years or older
    • Own at least one firearm located in your home or vehicle
    • Are able to speak and understand the English language
    • Have an Apple or Android smartphone 

    Age Range

    18 - 99 years
  • A Study to Examine the Effects of Exercise in Reducing Lung Cancer Risk in Long-time Smokers

    Official Title The BE FIT Study: Feasibility of an Exercise Intervention on Microbiome and Immune Function
    in a High-Risk Cohort for Lung Cancer


    The purpose of the study is to examine the effects of exercise on long-term smokers in reducing lung cancer risk.

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Males and females aged 55 to 77 years old
    • Current or former smokers with a 20-pack year smoking history (equals 1 pack a day for 20 years, 2 packs a day for 15 years, etc) and smoked within the last 15 years
    • Sedentary Lifestyle: fewer than 60 minutes of participation in moderate intensity physical activity each
    • Health Status: participants must be free of severe heart, respiratory (e.g. COPD), or systemic disease that would make moderate intensity exercise participation unsafe
    • Not currently undergoing cancer treatment
    • Not currently taking  Immunosuppressants, bisphosphonates, steroids, or probiotics
    • No plan to change smoking status


    Age Range

    55 - 77 years
  • Buckeye Concussion Knowledge Survey (BUCKS)

    Official Title BUckeye Concussion Knowledge Survey (BUCKS)


    The purpose of this study is to examine health outcomes in former Ohio State University athletes who played a varsity sport during their time at OSU. The objective is to determine whether athletes who sustained a concussion have different health outcomes than those who did not sustain a concussion. Any former OSU varsity athlete can participate in a 20-minute online survey.

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Anyone who has played a varsity sport as an undergraduate student at OSU, and they have now graduated (i.e., OSU athlete alumni). There are no other restrictions in terms of age, sex/gender, type of sport, etc.

    Age Range

    18 years and up
  • Ohio Teen Driver Study

    Official Title Leveraging DRVN driver training app to reduce risky driving intentions in novice teen drivers


    The purpose of this study is to see if the bonus safety messages and the amount of app use predicts safe driving attitudes and behaviors at licensure. We are recruiting Ohio teens with learner's permits to use a free driver training app called DRVN. 

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Must have learner's permit to drive in Ohio

    Age Range

    15 - 17
  • Mentoring to be Active: Peer Mentoring for Rural Appalachian Children to Reduce Overweight and Obesity

    Official Title Mentoring to be Active: Peer Mentoring for Rural Appalachian Children to Reduce Overweight and Obesity


    The purpose of this study is to lower the rate of type 2 diabetes in rural Appalachia youth due to obesity and/or being overweight. Our long-term goal is to improve the health of underserved, high-risk youth.

    This study will test the effectiveness of the Mentored Planning to be Active + Family on physical activity outcomes and health outcomes among rural Appalachian middle school aged youth suffering from either overweight or obesity.

    We have local high school-aged teen mentors work closely with middle school youth to increase social support, self-efficacy, and self-regulation skills to sustain physical activity and improve health before the children enter high school.

    The peer mentoring is followed by a 6-month family reinforcement program.

    Some parents will provide child assessment data of perceived child physical activity behaviors and child health.


    Could this study be right for you?

    • Child has access to a computer or tablet device at home for virtual mentoring sessions/meetings
    • Child suffers from overweight or obesity - does not need to be under the care of a health care professional for this condition
    • Child and Parent able to participate read English at a 4th grade level. 
    • Family not expected to move from rural Appalachia within the 18 months. 

    Age Range

    12 - 13
  • Decision Making Among Couples Concerning "Permanent/Irreversible" Birth Control

    Official Title Couple Dynamics Surrounding Contraceptive Sterilization


    This study aims to understand people’s experiences with contraceptive sterilization (such as tubal ligations or vasectomies).
    The purpose of this study is to better understand how adults decide to use sterilization as
    their main form of birth control. By examining sterilization decisions, this study will
    provide a better understanding of how individuals describe and explain their decision
    making process.

    In this study we are interested in learning how people discuss these decisions with their partner, as
    well as everyday interactions with their partner, other forms of birth control, and attitudes
    about gender more generally.

    Could this study be right for you?

    -Ages 21-55
    -Have used tubal ligation or vasectomy as primary contraception, WITHIN the last five (5) years

    Participants will be asked to answer a series of questions regarding their experience with
    sterilization. Interviews will be digitally recorded by audiotape and will remain
    confidential. The duration of the interview will last approximately one hour to one hour
    and thirty minutes.

    Age Range

    21 and up