Exploring the Development of the Infant and Fetal Brain
Official Title Exploring the Connectivity and Functional Organization of the Infant BrainPurpose
The purpose of the study is to investigate how the brain that we are each born with leads to our own unique behavior later in life, and the similarities and differences between maternal and child brains. We are studying infants prenatally and postnatally, following up with them as they grow and develop, and studying their mothers to understand how similar/different they are to their child.
Could this study be right for you?
- Infants under 3 years of age, and pregnant persons who are at least 20 weeks pregnant
- All participants must have no metal implanted in the body
- Have no significant health conditions or history of serious mental illness
- Not suffer from a (fear of enclosed spaces)
- Pregnancies must be without complication.
Age Range
Up to 40 years -
A Study for Active Military Service Members (or recently served); Examining Uncertainty, Health, and Home Safety Practices
Official Title Uncertainty and Firearms: Obtaining Secure Storage (UFOS)Purpose
The purpose of this study is to examine whether fear of uncertainty plays a role in home safety practices among firearm owners who are currently or have recently served in the U.S. military.
Could this study be right for you?
- Currently serving in any Branch or Component of the U.S. military, or were discharged from the U.S. military within the past 90 days
- 18 years or older
- Own at least one firearm located in your home or vehicle
- Are able to speak and understand the English language
- Have an Apple or Android smartphone
Age Range
18 - 99 years -
Research Study on Aging and Health after Cancer
Official Title E-PROOF: E-intervention for Protein Intake and Resistance Training to Optimize FunctionPurpose
Our team is looking to improve the health of older cancer survivors after they have completed cancer treatment. Specifically, this 12-week study looks to improve older cancer survivors' physical function and related health outcomes (muscle strength, dietary quality, health-related quality of life, self-efficacy, weight management).
Could this study be right for you?
- History of stage I-III breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer
- Completion of curative treatment (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery)
- Have an email address
Age Range
65 years and up -
A study assessing the impact of a treatment on anxiety and stress in individuals with memory concerns.
Official Title Treatment of Stress and Anxiety in mild cognitive impairment (MCI)/Mild Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias (ADRD) and their care partners: A Randomized Controlled TrialPurpose
The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of a treatment on anxiety and stress in individuals with memory concerns and those already with a diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), Mild Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias.
Could this study be right for you?
The primary participant must:
- Be at least 60 years of age
- Have a “care-partner” that is willing to participate in the full program (such as a spouse, child or a good friend)
- NOT have a terminal illness or severe motor impairment
- Be able to use a computer and smartphone and read English at the 6th grade level
The care partner must:
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Be able to use a computer and smartphone and read English at the 6th grade level
Age Range
60 - 99 years -
Buckeye Concussion Knowledge Survey (BUCKS)
Official Title BUckeye Concussion Knowledge Survey (BUCKS)Purpose
The purpose of this study is to examine health outcomes in former Ohio State University athletes who played a varsity sport during their time at OSU. The objective is to determine whether athletes who sustained a concussion have different health outcomes than those who did not sustain a concussion. Any former OSU varsity athlete can participate in a 20-minute online survey.
Could this study be right for you?
- Anyone who has played a varsity sport as an undergraduate student at OSU, and they have now graduated (i.e., OSU athlete alumni). There are no other restrictions in terms of age, sex/gender, type of sport, etc.
Age Range
18 years and up -
A Study to Learn More about Cellphone Use in Young Drivers
Official Title Randomized Trial on Mobile Technology and Young Drivers' Cellphone UsePurpose
The purpose of this study is to find out if a cell phone app affects driving behavior among young drivers. This information may help us develop public health and traffic safety strategies for young drivers.
Could this study be right for you?
- 18-24 years old at the time of recruitment
- Must have ownership and exclusive access to a car
- Must have car insurance with at least state-minimum coverage
- Must live in the Greater Columbus Metropolitan Area
- Must drive at least 2 days a week on average
- Must have a functioning iPhone or Android smartphone with an active phone service account (Ex: Verizon, AT&T, etc.)
- Must not have a physical car insurance monitoring device or app installed
- Must speak and read English
Age Range
18 - 24 -
Ohio Teen Driver Study
Official Title Leveraging DRVN driver training app to reduce risky driving intentions in novice teen driversPurpose
The purpose of this study is to see if the bonus safety messages and the amount of app use predicts safe driving attitudes and behaviors at licensure. We are recruiting Ohio teens with learner's permits to use a free driver training app called DRVN.
Could this study be right for you?
- Must have learner's permit to drive in Ohio
Age Range
15 - 17 -
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Wearable Wrist Band in Reducing Symptoms of Nausea and Vomiting (WINNER Study)
Official Title Evaluating the effect of a WearIng a TENS-device in NausEa Relief (The WINNER Study)Purpose
The purpose of this study is to evaluate if this wearable device can help manage nausea in those who suffer from this problem chronically.
If you choose to participate, then you will be given the study device to wear on your wrist for 12 weeks. In the weeks before and during this time, you will complete a series of daily and weekly questionnaires about your nausea symptoms, mood, sleep, and bowel habits.
Could this study be right for you?
- Nausea going on for more than 2 months
- 18 years or older
- Able to understand English
- Seen at OSU for their care
- Able to complete surveys online using either smartphone or computer
Age Range
18 and up -
Clinical Trial Testing if an FDA Approved Medication Changes Stress Responses
Official Title Orexin Receptor Antagonists as Modulators of Threat Sensitivity in individuals with Alcohol Use DisorderPurpose
The purpose of this study is to see if BELSOMRA, an FDA approved medication that is prescribed to treat insomnia, changes the body’s response to stress. Participation in the study includes 3 or 5 in-person lab visits (depending on randomization), which include EEG and MRI. Nearly all visits are 1.5 hours long, with the exception of one that is 4-5 hours in duration. Visits are flexible and scheduled at your convenience. Participants take the medication (or placebo) for 4 weeks, during which participation is only composed of virtual surveys via a smartphone app.
The total length of participation in the study is 1.5-2 months depending on scheduling/availability.
Could this study be right for you?
Eligibility Criteria:
- 18-65 years old
- Generally medically and physically healthy
- Regular alcohol use
Exclusion Criteria:
- Diagnosis of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, mania, or psychosis
- Currently pregnant or trying to become pregnant (female)
- Presence of ferrous-containing metal in the body
- Inability to tolerate enclosed spaces
Exclusion Criteria varies, please contact Study Coordinator for more information.
Age Range
18 - 65 -
A Study About the Development of Learning in African-American/Black Children
Official Title Ontogenesis of Categorization; Linking development, mechanisms, and biologyPurpose
The purpose of this study is to investigate the early development of attention, learning, and memory during childhood. Participation in this study includes 4, 90-minute-long visits to the lab per year. During these visits, your child will play 2-3 fun, computerized games. These games are designed to assess various aspects of their cognitive ability.
The duration of the study will last 4 years.
Could this study be right for you?
Eligibility Criteria:
- African-American/Black children who are 4 years old
Age Range
4 - 4