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Research studies are looking for volunteers just like you. Both healthy volunteers and participants with specific health conditions are needed to help answer important questions impacting the health of our friends and family. Join us to improve the health of others.

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Found 192 results. Displaying page 6 of 16.
  • Neurodevelopmental Effects of Youth Tackle Football

    Official Title Understanding the Neurodevelopmental Effects of Youth Tackle Football Participation


    In this study we are aiming to identify risk factors for higher exposure to football-related neurotrauma in youth tackle football players and to determine the effects of football-related neurotrauma exposure on neurodevelopment in children with no previous tackle football participation.

    For this specific posting, we are looking for boys ages 8-12 who are non-athletes or athletes who play non-contact sports to serve as control subjects for our fMRI study. 

    Could this study be right for you?

    We are looking for boys ages 8-12 who are either non-athletes or do not participate in any contact sports.

    • Boys must have no metal implanted in the body
    • Have no prior history of head trauma
    • Have no serious health or mental health diagnoses
    • Must not have a fear of enclosed spaces

    Age Range

    8 - 12 years
  • Exploring the Development of the Infant and Fetal Brain

    Official Title Exploring the Connectivity and Functional Organization of the Infant Brain


    The purpose of the study is to investigate how the brain that we are each born with leads to our own unique behavior later in life, and the similarities and differences between maternal and child brains. We are studying infants prenatally and postnatally, following up with them as they grow and develop, and studying their mothers to understand how similar/different they are to their child.

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Infants under 3 years of age, and pregnant persons who are at least 20 weeks pregnant
    • All participants must have no metal implanted in the body
    • Have no significant health conditions or history of serious mental illness
    • Not suffer from a (fear of enclosed spaces)
    • Pregnancies must be without complication.

    Age Range

    Up to 40 years

    Official Title PRenatal and Obstetric Maternal Exposures and ISlet Autoantibodies in Early Life (PROMISE)


    The purpose of this study is to find out more about how health and exposures during pregnancy, such as having an infection, diet and growth may impact later risk of islet autoimmunity in the
    child. We are also interested in finding out more about why having a father or sibling with type 1 diabetes increases risk of autoimmunity in the child than having a mother with type 1 diabetes.

    Could this study be right for you?


    • Pregnant women:
      • who is between 8-24 weeks gestation with a singleton pregnancy
      • have had type 1 diabetes for at least 12 months, or the father of the baby or a full sibling of the baby has type 1 diabetes
      • is 18 years of age or older
      • is willing to have blood collected and to complete questionnaires about prenatal exposures once per trimester during their pregnancy (up to 3 visits) and up to 12 weeks after they deliver their baby
      • is willing to have their baby screened for genetic risk for type 1 diabetes, to complete online questionnaires, and to have their child followed for measurement of islet autoimmunity according to the determined risk for type 1 diabetes, through 5-7 years of age.
        • If low risk, two screenings: the first at 2 years of age and the second between 5-7 years of age
        • If high risk, five screenings: every six months through 2 years of age, and one between 5-7 years of age

    The father of the baby will also be asked to complete one visit during pregnancy but it is not mandatory.


    • Multiple Gestation pregnancy
    • Mother unable to consent due to intellectual impairment
    • Fetus with known medical issue that would affect study participation
    • Surrogate / gestational mothers who are not biologically related to offspring they are carrying

    Age Range

    18 years and up
  • Investigating Symptoms & Stool Gut Bacteria between African Americans and Caucasian Americans

    Official Title Associations between Race, Gut Microbiota-Metabolites, and Long-Term Symptom Toxicity in African Americans and Caucasian Americans Colorectal Cancer Survivors


    The purpose of this study is to learn about the associations of symptoms such as fatigue, depression, and gastrointestinal distress including constipation, abdominal pain, and diarrhea with stool microbiomes and metabolites in patients with colorectal cancer. We will compare the associations of symptoms with microbiomes among colorectal cancer patients and healthy patients. You will be asked to complete several surveys that ask questions about your dietary habits, your health history, your social demographics, and your symptoms. You will also be asked to collect a stool sample with an at-home stool sample collection kit that will be provided to you.

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Diagnosed with stage I-IV colorectal cancer (ICD-10 C18, C19 and C20) OR Healthy.
    • 18+ years of age at time of diagnosis.
    • Able to communicate in English and provide consent.
    • African American OR White.
    • Not currently in cancer treatment.
    • No current ostomy.
    • No chronic bowel disorders (e.g., irritable bowel syndrome).
    • No diagnosis of functional GI disorders.
    • No food allergies or dietary restrictions.
    • No use of probiotics or antibiotics within the past two months prior to fecal collection.
    • No significant cognitive or developmental delay that precedes cancer diagnosis (e.g., down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder).

    Age Range

    18 years and up
  • Research Study on Light Sensitivity after Head Injury

    Official Title Effect of Fixation Training with Colored Light Targets on Traumatic Brain Injury-Associated Photophobia


    Researchers at The Ohio State University College of Optometry are seeking individuals with a recent history of head trauma who are experiencing light sensitivity. The goal of this study is to determine if daily 20 minute fixation training sessions using a colored (red or blue) light target affects symptoms of light sensitivity, or alters other measurements of the eyes and vision including pupil response.  

    This study will involve attending five 1-2 hour study visits, occurring every 1.5 months for 6 months. Study visits will include answering questions about eye and health history, completing surveys, reading letters on an eye chart, having the pupils measured in response to flashes of light, measuring the side vision, measuring eye alignment and in some cases focusing ability. Outside of the study visits, participants will also complete daily 20 minute fixation training sessions for 6 months using a colored (red or blue) light target, completed at home between study visits.

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Must be 18 to 80 years old
    • Experienced a head injury 3 or more months ago
    • Current symptoms of light sensitivity
    • Be healthy and have good eye health

    Age Range

    18 - 80 years
  • A Study Evaluating How Alcohol Effects Thinking and Decision Making

    Official Title Impulsivity Domains and Subjective Response


    The purpose of this study is to examine the degree to which different ways of thinking and decision making – measured using computer tasks and questionnaire – relate to how people feel after a dose of alcohol. By doing this study, we hope to learn about the relationships between decision making and responses to alcohol.

    Could this study be right for you?

    Inclusion criteria include:

    1. Ages 21-25
    2. Report drinking to an estimated BAC > 80mg% at least once in the past 30 days
    3. Report drinking at least twice weekly in the past 30 days
    4. English language Fluency

    Exclusion criteria include:

    1. Any serious medical problems (i.e., liver disease, cardiac abnormality, pancreatitis, diabetes, neurological problems, gastrointestinal disorders, abnormal kidney function)
    2. Body weight < 110 or > 210 pounds
    3. Current medical or psychiatric condition requiring medication for which alcohol consumption is contraindicated
    4. Lifetime history of schizophrenia or other psychotic disorder
    5. Substance Use Disorder other than alcohol

    Exclusion Criteria varies, please contact Study Coordinator.

    Age Range

    21 - 25 years
  • A Study to Learn More about Sleep and Memory Changes in Youth

    Official Title Typical Sleep Brain Dynamics


    The Malerba Lab at the Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital is looking for healthy volunteers ages 8 to 19 for a research study on the relation between sleep and memory in children and adolescents. Our goal is to learn how sleep brain activity and memory change throughout development. Children/adolescents will participate in an overnight study in the sleep lab; and play memory games both before and after the sleep night. The study will take about one evening to the next morning to complete and you may be compensated for your time. 

    Could this study be right for you?

    1. Participant and legal guardian are each able to complete measures in English
    2. Participant has no history of sleep study required for medical reasons
    3. Participant has no history of neurodevelopmental disorder, intellectual disability (defined as presence of Individualized Educational Plan or Section 504 Plan), or chronic illness affecting brain system development (defined as lasting six months and requiring ongoing treatment by a subspecialist, e.g., cancer, epilepsy)
    4. Participant has no history of severe mental illness or behavioral disorder requiring inpatient hospitalization of treatment;
    5. Participant does not have sensory or motor impairment precluding completion of study measures

    Age Range

    8 - 19 years
  • Healthy Diet Study

    Official Title A prospective randomized unblinded study of ketogenetic versus mixed diet on exercise tolerance in subjects with the metabolic phenotype of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction


    The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of a well-formulated ketogenic diet with a low-fat diet on exercise tolerance in patients with heart failure and diabetes or pre-diabetes or metabolic syndrome.


    Could this study be right for you?

    • Age ≥ 18 years old and ≤ 80 years old & willingness to be randomized to either diet.
    • NYHA class I – III for at least 3 months.
    • Ejection fraction ≥50% by biplane 2D, or 3D echo, or CMR.
    • Echo findings of abnormal or indeterminant diastolic function or RHC data: At rest: mean pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) > 15 mmHg. Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) < 3 Wood Units.
    • Stable medical therapy for at least 3 months as determined by the treating physician (no new cardiac or diabetic medications within 3 months of enrollment or during enrollment and dosage should be stable for 1 month prior to enrollment).
    • Dose of oral diuretics changes allowed but must be stable for 1 week prior to randomization.
    • Body Mass Index (BMI) ≥ 25 and ≤ 50 or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus or prediabetes (fasting glucose of 100 - 125 mg/dL or hemoglobin A1C 5.7-6.4%) or metabolic syndrome.
    • Ability to participate in exercise treadmill testing.
    • Ability to sign written consent.


    • Women who are pregnant, current breast-feeding, or have intention to become pregnant while in the study.
    • Known allergy or sensitivity to gadolinium-based contrast agents.
    • Implanted pacemaker, cardioverter defibrillator, Cardiac resynchronization therapy, left ventricular assist devices.
    • Other metallic implants/aneurysm clips that are contraindicated in MRI.
    • Claustrophobia
    • History of severe kidney disease of eGFR < 30 ml/kg/1.73m2.

    Exclusion Criteria varies, please contact Study Coordinator.

    Age Range

    18 - 80 years

    Official Title PRagmatic EValuation of evENTs And Benefits of Lipid-lowering in oldEr adults


    The purpose of PREVENTABLE is to learn if taking a statin could help older adults live well for longer by preventing dementia, disability, or heart disease. The duration of the study will last 5 years. 

    Could this study be right for you?

    Inclusion Criteria:

    • Community-dwelling adults
    • Age ≥75 years
    • English or Spanish as primary language


    Exclusion Criteria:

    • Clinically evident cardiovascular disease defined as prior myocardial Infarction (MI), prior stroke, prior revascularization procedure, or a secondary prevention indication for a statin (clinician determined)
    • Hospitalization for a primary diagnosis of heart failure in the prior 12 months (Note: History of heart failure in the absence of recent hospitalization or clinically evident cardiovascular disease is not an exclusion)
    • Dementia (clinically evident or previously diagnosed)
    • Dependence in any Katz Basic Activities of Daily Living [ADL] (with the exception of urinary or bowel continence)
    • Severe hearing impairment (preventing phone follow up)
    • Unable to talk (preventing phone follow up)

    Exclusion Criteria varies, please contact Study Coordinator for more information. 

    Age Range

    75 years and up
  • Breathing Training Program for Breast Cancer Survivors with Obesity

    Official Title Reducing exercise intolerance through inspiratory muscle training in obese breast cancer survivors (IMOCS)


    The purpose of this study is to better understand why some survivors of breast cancer have difficulty exercising. We also want to learn if breathing exercises can make it easier to tolerate exercise. 

    Could this study be right for you?

    • Breast Cancer Survivor
    • Completed treatment within 6 months–5 years
    • Have obesity, defined as body mass index between 30-50 kg/m2
    • Can exercise independently

    Age Range

    18 years and up
  • The Tree of Hope: A Method to Reduce Burnout, Improved Hope and Increase Resilience

    Official Title The Tree of Hope: A Method to Reduce Burnout, Improved Hope and Increase Resilience


    The purpose of this study is to improve the sense of hope and build resilience through creating one’s Tree of Hope. This study is being done because we see that today’s environment is quite stressful and this can lead to people feeling less hopeful in their present and the future. 


    Could this study be right for you?

    • At least 18 years old
    • Able to read and understand English
    • Healthy people and patients will be eligible for this research study
    • Participants will be eligible even if they are not seen at OSU for their care.
    • We will not abstract any data from electronic health records. Patients will complete a survey that asks them questions about their health conditions

    Exclusion Criteria

    • Any physical or mental condition that the principal investigator considers as impacting the ability of the patient to participate in the research study. Examples include visual or hearing impairment, arthritis, weakness or other medical problem that impairs their ability to write.

    Age Range

    18 years and up
  • Brains, Emotion Regulation and Adolescent Moods (BEAM) Study

    Official Title Neurodevelopmental Mechanisms Underlying the Onset of Depression among At-Risk Youth: The Role of Dysregulation in the Negative Valence System


    The purpose of this study is to test whether changes in the way in which we react and respond to emotional or stressful information represent a risk factor for depression in kids of mothers with and without depression. Findings from the study have the potential to decrease the high rates of depression observed in children of depressed mothers.  

    Could this study be right for you?

    You may be eligible for this study if:

    • Are 18-65 years old and female.
    • Have a biological child who is between 9 and 14 years of age.
    • Have a history of major depressive disorder